Wednesday, October 6, 2010


There is silence in our home. Well almost. Just the sound of static from two monitors as three little girls sleep snuggled in their beds. And the faint sound one of my favorite albums playing in the kitchen.

Grace upon grace, every sin repaired
Every void restored, you will find Him there
In every turning He will prepare you
With grace upon grace.

He made a way for the fallen to rise
Perfect in glory and sacrifice
In sweet communion my need He supplies
He saves and keeps and guards my life

Wednesdays are always busy days: music class, tidying for small group, preparing a treat for those entering our home.  Often I become frazzled, sharp in tongue, easily annoyed, critical of my husband the moment he arrives home. It hurts my heart that so many Wednesdays are like this...

But today, starting my day in prayer, I asked the Lord to give us rest today.

As I kneaded dough this afternoon I thought of how dough must rest to be any good. Without resting, dough is hard to work with, difficult to shape, impossible to use. But after it has rested for awhile, it becomes softer, pliable in the hands of the one kneading it, a bit less firm to the touch and eventually (with the help of a little yeast) it will rise.

Like the bread I so often knead, I must remember to rest.  Rest in Him. For then, His hands can so much more easily knead me, shape me, mold me.

So resting we are...

girls resting as they read
girls resting as they sleep

dough resting as it rises
dough resting before being pressed

mama resting as she reflects
souls resting in He who made a way for the fallen to rise.

In a bit we will all begin to rise, to resume our daily activities and by His grace, with rested souls.

So dear friends, remember to rest.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 

~Matthew 11:28-29


  1. This was perfect for me today, thanks Karli!

  2. i've been sensing this need for rest in myself so very much lately. i absolutely know it is His prompting. (plus, i'm reading Sabbath Rest by Wayne Muller and it is turning me inside out.)

    and then i come here, and read your words. several times, actually, over several days.

    how beautiful that entering into rest still requires work, and yet it makes that rest so much deeper. soul soars light and work becomes an offering.

    my chant lately has been, i must. it spills out of my mouth when i see my lunch sitting cold on the counter and i am thinking i'll just forget it since there is so much to do. or when i'm tempted to skip the hot bath before bed, or the shower in the morning, or the tea with lessons. i am hearing Him prompt: you must.

    it isn't that a mama should rest. it is that she must. that rest means resting in Him before the day even begins, and it means caring for our bodies and souls right along with our children's.

    He says so.

    again, you bless. i'm pondering your words, turning them over, and i just can't believe we live so far away, when we're such kindreds.

    i send love.


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