Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Coming Home

It seems like we've been gone forever and by the mounds of laundry and empty refrigerator, we could fool even the most seasoned eye into thinking we have been away for months...

But, my heart is settled once again beneath the roof of our home. The volcano of laundry has erupted and dirty clothes are pouring out of my laundry room, we have some food but no menus, the baby is sleeping again--well, some what sleeping, and the disobedience meter is peaking less frequently.  And by less frequently I mean less than every two minutes like is was our first day back.

And with such joy, my heart is home.

I have much to catch up on and so can't linger today but wanted to say officially

Merry Christmas from the Stobie Family

The Stobie Family of 5 Snowmen was one of my favorite parts of our trip. Isn't Charis cute?!  It was dark, snowing and 5 degrees outside, but it didn't stop our girls from creating a masterpiece 



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