Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A recipe, A Mentor and Minnie Pearl

I'm not sure if you remember this post where I promised pearls. Pearls of wisdom in the kitchen, in our homes, for our children, our marriages, for our souls--natural pearls collected from real experiences, by cherished women.

I remember the post clearly, and I laugh when I think about it because I wrote it right before the holidays and honestly, who has time to go diving for pearls, popping open oyster shells right before Christmas?  I could have visited a pearl farm, but I didn't want to share with you anything but the best, genuine pearls as birthed from creation and not manufactured in a farm.

I'll get to the pearls-- I assure you but want to share with you a family favorite recipe as a kick-off. You can consider it a small gem or better yet, a "mini-pearl." With hopes of being clever, I typed into Google "mini pearl" looking for just the right title for this post.  I cackled out loud because this photo came up.

It's funny on several levels.

First because I grew up on Hee-Haw and of course, if you type mini-pearl into Google, you may just end up with a picture of Minnie Pearl.  Didn't even cross my mind when I as typing.

And for those of you who may understand, I must say

"How-DEE! I'm just so proud to be here"

If I lost you there, hopefully you'll catch up here.

Second it is funny because the whole point of this post (you think I forgot don't you?) is to share a recipe. A scrumptious recipe that is "finger-lickin good" just like the chicken Minnie was advertising.

So of course, I though the picture of Minnie was relevant to this post.

While this dish is so delicious, there is even a greater fondness in my heart for the recipe because it comes from a dear mentor-friend of mine who took me in when I was a stray college student and fed my soul and my belly multiple times a week.  While the rest of my friends were eating fast food and pb&j, I was eating gourmet dishes on a patio surrounded by small gardens that appeared to be out of Sunset Magazine where love and laughter abounded.  Especially laughter. From her I learned that a good mentor shares her heart, her home and her recipes. I am forever grateful.

Now the recipe below is truly delicious and even guests have been known to use their fingers to get every drop of the peanut sauce out of their ramekins.  It is that good. May I repeat, "finger-lickin' good."  And unlike the chicken Minnie was advertising, the recipe is both good and good for you (don't tell my husband.)

I'm posting her original recipe and in parenthesis, a few modifications to make this healthy recipe, even healthier.  I made this this past Friday evening and we had a late dinner with friends after the girls went down for bed.  By the time we got food on the table it was 8:30pm so please forgive me, there aren't photographs of the dish.  Had I taken the time to snap photos, someone literally may have bitten off my head.  We were that hungry. And finally,

Indonesian Beef with Peanut Sauce

1 1/2 lb Top Sirloin Steak, sliced in strips
Jasmine Rice (I use brown jasmine)

1/2 cup coconut milk
3 TBS lime juice
1 TBS vegetable
2 tsp Soy Sauce (I use Bragg's Liquid Aminos)
2 cloves garlic pressed (I always use a bit more)
1/8 tsp ground pepper

Place all ingredients in a marinating bowl. Cover and refrigerate 4 hrs. After marinating, put meat on water-soaked skewers. Grill 2-3 minutes per side.

Peanut Sauce: (I always double the recipe below...remember, it is bowl lickin' good)
1/3 cup Chunky Peanut Butter
1/3 cup water
2 TBS Soy Sauce (once again, I use Bragg's Aminos)
1 TBS Cider Vinegar (I use raw apple cider)
1/8 tsp ground red pepper (I just red the word ground for the first time...oops.  I always use flakes and double it because we like a little zest in our lives)
2 cloves garlic (Once again, I always use more.)

Mix all the ingredients together and microwave covered 2 minutes (longer if you double the recipe.) Stir to blend and serve in little cups

Cucumber Salad:
Dice 2 or more cucumbers
Mince red onion (a few TBS)
Drizzle with apple cider vinegar (I use raw)
Layer the bottom of a large bowl with rice. Place steak on top of the rice on one side and the cucumber salad on the other.  Serve with small bowls of peanut sauce.

If you are really being fancy you can sprinkle the dish with dianthus petals. They are tasty and beautiful. I have never actually done this step but have dreams of flower petals gracing our dinner plates when I am taking in stray college students and don't have little ones under toe.

Thank you for bearing with me to get to the recipe.  I hope you enjoy my Minnie Pearl mini-pearl; there are more to come.

But for today
"We loved the time we spent with you,
To share a song and a laugh or two,
May your pleasures be many, your troubles be few..."


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