Saturday, February 19, 2011

Long but not lost

I'm sorry I've been so long between posts.  We're still friends I hope? 
A dear saint-of-a-friend has had my computer for the last couple weeks and between working one and a half jobs, loving his beautiful wife and chasing their two little men around, he's been giving my computer some much needed attention.  Like I said, saint-of-a-friend.

So it is with much gratitude, and no annoying script errors, that I write this post.

Thank you kind friends for your words of encouragement in my absence.  Perhaps our hearts will grow even fonder?

I couldn't even let you know there would be a break.  But now that all systems are a goin' you might grow tired of me in the weeks to come.  My mind has been spinning, heart yearning to share, notebook full of pearls...

But not tonight.  We just arrived home from an impromptu excursion to the mountains for sledding, exploring and just plain family fun.  Our children are out cold after 3 minutes alone with their pillows and well, we're preparing to rest.

My knight and the slice of chocolate cream pie we brought home are calling my name and I've been indoors in thermal wear for much longer than anyone should.

So for today,

Hello again, my long friends. I'm not lost at all.

But for the past month, this is where we could have been found...

Thank you for your patience. I'm back.


  1. that looks like delicious granola... please do share! Janelle

  2. Your girls are so precious! Makes me secretly hope our baby #3 is a girl...

  3. @Alycia
    Alycia, I LOVE having three girls! Addy started praying for a brother though...everyday. So stay tuned ;)


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