Addy, your presence challenged us to think about our world view and what we are called to as parents. God sovereignly brought you into this world and He used your little life to reveal so much of Himself to us. Because of your life, we understand so much more of who our magnificent God is and His love and pursuit of His children. Thank you for teaching us about our Father's love.
Addy, your inquisitiveness has taught me to stop, enjoy the moment and answer a question. Even if it is the same one over and over again and your passion for playing has stirred laughter in our souls that I didn't know was there. And your servant's heart has taught me to pause and take the time to let you help scrub the sink, or make a pizza or put on Anna's clothes because your desire to help is so much more important than getting the task done quickly. Thank you for slowing me down and helping me to see that which is most important.
Addy, your tender heart and stubborn persistence both keep me on my knees, exactly where I should be.
You my little one, are a gift and even your name tells so much of who you are and most of all who God is. Adaelle, God does witness and more so, He extends His Grace, His unearned, undeserved favor and kindness upon us. And your presence, reminds me of His continual presence and the Grace and mercy He gives to His children.
We pray that in the years to come that as we love you, we will teach you what is most important and that the way we love you will bend your heart toward Love Himself.
But Addy, please keep teaching us too, we have so much to learn. We love you, Addy.
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