Thursday, January 6, 2011

A half-birthday

Our sweet Charis is six months old today--can you believe it?  Months have flown by since we were clutching our 4.5 lb almond sliver in the NICU.  I won't ever forget the lovingly firm words of my midwife who reminded me that regardless of the hustle and bustle, monitors and patches, our little girl is fearfully and wonderfully made.

We give God the glory for her little life, her huge smile and the way she wrinkles her nose when she laughs just like her sisters.  And all those tests they wanted to run...not needed!  Albeit she's tiny, she's tackling every milestone even a bit early-- with the exception of the sleeping through the night milestone. Her tiny frame requires calories into the night but this mama is content holding her little one in the dark hours.

Time for prayer.

Time for thanksgiving.

Time that is passing too quickly.

She won't fit in her stocking for long...


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