Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Capturing Moments

Addy and Anna are growing up so quickly. Now when we walk places I hold both their hands rather than carrying one of them, they both can put all their hair back in one ponytail, for the most part, they come when they are called... so quickly time is passing.

I don't want to forget morning snuggles in their pajamas or screeching, racing "shopping trips" with the two of them pushing their shopping cart and a stroller through our oh-so-tiny living room. Mostly, I don't want to forget the moments when something they've been taught suddenly starts coming naturally, like unsolicited "thank you's" and Addy's sweet prayers. Here are a few for your enjoyment:

"Dear Lord. Thank you for everything you made and for all things. And bless our food. And for Mama and Papa for wisdom. In Jesus Name, Amen." (It is so sobering to hear a two-year-old pray for wisdom for her parents!)

"Dear Lord, Bless this food and thank you for our papa, and thank you for all his jobs and for our food. In Jesus name, Amen"

Over the last few weeks her prayers have gotten longer. She says "in all things" almost every other sentence when she prays, which I now realize, is sweet Addy, repeating our prayers that we would glorify God in all we do. Oh how my little ones are watching and listening.

Anna, last week when she had a cold, started blowing her own nose. She would march over to the box of tissues, take one out, wipe her little nose and then drop it on the floor. A few minutes later I looked over to discover that she had stuffed all the used tissues back into the box. Yes, our little ones even watch us recycle...

I know they are hanging on my every word--kind or harsh, watching every movement-- whether I reach out in love or in frustration. And that is why I cherish Addy's prayers that we might have Wisdom. I want my children who see me all day, every day, to know from all their watching and listening, that my satisfaction and my joy are not temporal and fleeting but that they are from a well-spring of deep, deep desire for the all-satisfying One for "In [His] presence there is fullness of joy; at [His] right hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16:11).

Not only are my little ones watching and listening, You Lord, are watching and listening...


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