Thursday, October 22, 2009

Little Sparks

I cannot get enough of our girls. From their joyful shrieks in the morning to the constant attempt to get in just one. more. word. at the end of their day, I just can't watch them enough, listen to them enough or laugh with them enough. Here are just a few samplings:

The other day at nap time, I was putting Addy down and she said "I love you mama."

I replied, "I love you too little bug."

Her response: "I love you most big bug."

This morning I turned off a light in our dining room and the following dialogue occurred:

Addy: Mama, why did you turn the light off?

Me: The sun is giving us enough light.

Addy: No Mama. God gives light.

Me: Yes little one.

Addy: God gives light and the light has come and Jesus is the light.

Already a theologian.

For months, Addy's most favorite thing has been to roam around outside eating a whole apple. I can't describe to you how my heart aches thinking about the day she doesn't look up at me, hand me her apple and say, "will you start it for me, mama?"

Anna has started to repeat EVERYTHING we say. Her favorite words have multiple syllables like Christmas tree, steam engine and my personal favorite, el
aviĆ³n (that is "airplane" in Spanish.) Each time an aircraft of any kind flies over head, whether we are outdoors or in, our house goes from conversational tone to shouting, screaming and pointing. First, both girls look at me and scream "el avion," then Anna continues between "katchi" (that's airplane in Anna-ese) and "el avion" while Addy tries to determine if it is a military jet or not. Once her hope of it being military is confirmed, she shrieks at the sky "thank you for our country, thank you for serving our country." There is a good 5 minute interruption of identifying, talking to and then discussing the airplane that flew overhead. For those of you who may be unaware, we are 10 minutes from the airport so you can just imagine how often this occurs. Even still, sometimes I point them out before they can see or hear them just so I can hear their delight.

Tonight in attempt to get Joel's mind off of his exam tomorrow, we had a Chinese picnic at the train depot near our house. We enjoyed the brisk fall evening, watching our girls barrel through the freshly fallen leaves. Joel and the girls took off to find the fish in the pond while I cleaned up our picnic. The quietness of the park was interrupted with Addy yelling at me "Mama, mama, I have something to tell you. I have something to tell you." Soon, I learned that the fish were hibernating already. Anna followed in toe yelling "whe fishies ah, whe fishies ah." Next, was a visit to Big Mike, our local steam engine. Anna's little voice chanting "hello, bi' ma', hello bi' ma'" when she see's the locative makes me giggle every time. It is the "goodbye bi' ma', goodbye bi' ma'" that brings tears to my eyes.

Their learning so much every day. It seems like things are going so much faster... I can't find the pause or even the slow button on how quickly they are changing and growing. But I'm going to try to keep writing it all down. I just don't want to forget.

Today, we had our first official girl's time in the kitchen and all three of us made bread and cookies for Joel tomorrow. It was quite a project, but they had so much fun. I was able to snap two quick photos before my camera died. I'll leave with you one last memory from today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, for precious. You're doing the right things... record, and INVEST in their delights as a family! Strange, but I had a "holding on" day too yesterday. Maybe I should post about it. But I loved when Levi sat down in front of an unhappy little boy at the library, put his hands on his shoulders, and said, "I love you, SOOO much." He really does!


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