This post from a fellow mama with kindred dancing feet sparked my memory, how could I have so quickly forgotten to share, about my own little twinkle toes who takes every opportunity to twirl, spin and dance through our days.
Two weeks ago, Addy and I had the privilege of sharing a most intimate, joyful date with one another and attended her first "ballet." Our wonderful local dance company performed a sample of dances from their main production of Cinderella for an audience of tutu-wearing, pirouetting young ballerina-hopefuls.
Our evening truly began a few weeks prior when we told Addy that we would be going to the ballet and oh, the anticipation began to build. Daily, actually, hourly, for weeks Addy would talk about the ballet, read through the story of Cinderella, and practice her pliƩs. Truth be told, neither one of us could wait.
Our long-anticipated evening finally arrived. We carefully picked out the perfect dress for twirling, put the finishing touches on our hair and set out for a grand evening.
On the edge of my lap, Addy watched each point of their toes and sweep of their arms as the ballerinas and dancers flew around the stage. Silently, with eyes-wide rarely blinking, Addy was captivated by their graceful movements. All too soon the dance came to an end, Addy took her first deep breath since the opening dance and exclaimed, "Oh Mama, is there more?"
I reassured her that there could indeed be many more and that the next time, we'd go to the "big" ballet. So together, we wait and continue to dance, Addy continually seeking her "Papa Prince" with which to dance. When Papa isn't home, I occasionally get to substitute in but she still waits eagerly for Joel's arrival each day after work so she and her Papa Prince can dance.
And as for anticipation, we want them to learn how to anticipate, with great joy and enthusiasm, so that as their understanding grows they will be able to anticipate the greatest thing ever: the presence of our Savior. Whether in His return to us, or in His calling us to Him, we want them to know that in His presence alone, will they be fully satisfied.
For my contentment is not in wealth (or in the ballet or in my best friend or in ANYTHING else) but in seeing You and knowing that all is well between us. For when I awake in Heaven, I will be fully satisfied for I will see you face to face.
~Psalm 17:15 (The Living Bible, parenthesis added)
So while we await His coming with anticipation, in our home, we will keep dancing. Because truth be told, none of us can wait.
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