Friday, October 22, 2010

a "yes" day indeed

A little girl came home early from a much anticipated "grammy day" in need of extra mama snuggles and some reassurance. What she needed most that day was not a special date or fun surprise; it was her mama. For a moment her mama thought of all the things she "needed" to do and hesitated, thinking that perhaps her little one just needed a verbal cheering up... but one look in those big brown eyes stopped this mama in her tracks and she said

No to:
a clean house two days in a row
the mountain of laundry calling her name
the handful of email that required response
the menu
checking Facebook
and all the other things that while useful or necessary some days, can so easily distract her on the days the Lord has something else in store...

And then she said yes!

Yes to:
princess dresses
that ridiculous caterpillar tunnel that stays conveniently hidden behind her reading chair
building a castle for the princesses with EVERY block
pancakes & bacon for dinner
reading the entire stack of library books (some of them several times)
spending extra moments with all three girls on the couch trying to capture a baby's giggle just one more time.

While some days, saying no is necessary and others when we feel like we have run out of "yeses", there are also days like this one where saying "yes" means everything to one brown-eyed wonder. And the dust bunnies really can wait (they are remarkably patient) and it really doesn't matter how many blocks are scattered across the floor or even that for dinner, we didn't have vegetables.

Because in the end, one brown-eyed little girl went to sleep with just one extra hug from her mama, after an entire day of being reassured, in the most tangible of ways, and not just by a hurried word as her mama went about her tasks.

That was yesterday and today, a load of laundry or two really does need to be done and we do need to make up for the vegetables we abandoned yesterday, but a contented girl dances at her mama's feet, knowing she is loved.

but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven...But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
~Matthew 19:14, 6:33-34

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