My children heard:
"No let's not build a fort, the floors are dirty."
"No, don't put cheese in the bowl, let's leave it in the bag tonight." Even though she just wanted to help and was doing it the way we always do it but I just couldn't wash one. more. bowl. (Really, I couldn't put one more bowl in the dishwasher?)
"No extra story before bed, it's late." (Was it really?)
My husband heard:
Silence. Perhaps a sigh or two. No real words of encouragement or hope.
My Lord heard:
He's not enough. He can't possibly give me the strength. His grace is not sufficient. His power not made perfect in my weakness. I'm too weak.
Everyone heard:
"No. I have nothing left to give."
I ran out of yeses. And I read this and I wanted yell "good for you" (in a not-so-loving tone) and then I felt the hardness crack. And I stopped.
And I prayed cautiously, honestly not wanting to hear His answer, knowing His gentle rebuke would come.
And I read:
"I am with you alway."—Matthew 28:20.

"Only be thou strong and very courageous."—Joshua 1:7.

Tonight, I will go to my Savior's feet, humbled at His mercy, in awe of His compassion. I will go to my husband's side and sow seeds of hope, speak words of grace rather than discourage with silence, and offer my help, however feeble I may think that to be.
And tomorrow, I'm going to say "yes." At least once or twice...
I, too, read Elise's post and was convicted and refreshed to begin my day today with more yeses. Bless you, Karli, in this joyous and sanctifying task of mothering today! Thankfully we are covered by His grace.