For those whom I have promised information, I promise the tried-and-true dessert recipes are coming as well as my "toolbox" for training up our kiddos. In the meantime, thank you for your patience.
This post is really for the grandparents and for those that love our girls...
It has been such a sweet season of watching our girls grow together. While they have moments of frustration and the occasional playtime together results in screaming and a lesson on the fruit of the spirit, there are days like today when we hear:
Addy say "Mama, Anna is my flamily (I love the way she adds an "L" to family) but most of all, she is my friend."
Anna shout "Yay! Addy! Po, po! Yay! Addy!" as she encouraged her older sister while Addy was using the bathroom. Anna would bring them both books to read and occasionally she'd pop up from her post on a garbage can, run to the toilet, look in and shout words of affirmation. Addy would just look at her sister with the most loving look, then look to me and smile. Our potty-trainee encouraging the resident expert.
And often, when words can't quite do justice the joy of sisterhood, we have the privilege of witnessing and trying to capture:
Aware of the challenges ahead in raising two girls so close together, with joyful hearts we bring their sister relationship before the Lord and pray that by His grace they will say in the years to come "she's not only my flamily, most of all, she's my friend."
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