Tuesday, April 12, 2011

riding camels in Mauritania

Actual soundbites from our lunch today from Addy & Anna:

"What is your favorite animal in South Africa?"

"Can we go to Kazakhstan and tell people about Jesus?"

"Are there people in jail on the equator?"

"Mama, it's time to pray for Qatar!?

"Hmm, maybe someday I'll go to Mauritania and ride a camel."

Now don't think I tell you this to brag about what brilliant children we have (yes, they are intelligent, but Anna still only gets her colors right 70% of the time and Addy NEVER puts the right shoe on the right foot the first time.)  Rather, I share this for a few reasons:

First, because I love that the girls have a "category" in their brains, and Lord-willing their hearts, developing for people outside our little street, church, city and even country.  We want them to understand what a big, creative God we have and part of loving Him, is loving the beautiful people he created all over the globe.

Second, because I didn't even know that there were camels in Mauritania until lunch today. Did you?

While Addy has always had a desire to know where animals live and has loved looking at maps, it wasn't until this past Christmas, when she received a Leapfrog Tag Map from her grandparents that her knowledge of the globe really grew. Paired with the hanging of our prayer wall and specifically the map from Voice of the Martyrs, her passion for people and places worldwide has really flourished.  And she's bringing Anna right along with her.  In fact, it's Anna that is so concerned with Kazakhstan.

While I don't endorse all of the Leapfrog "books" (most I don't consider literature) we LOVE the Tag Maps, both US and World, and both girls spend part of their quiet time each day exploring the world.  So, if you have the need to buy or request a present, I recommend the maps. You have to buy the pen too which is where most of the cost comes in but for you grandparents out there...they make great gifts! (Please note, apparently some of the islands in the lesser Antilles are inaccurately labeled. Should the girls learn them incorrectly, I am sure we will be able to remedy it as they grow older. I just didn't want you to find out later and think I mislead you.)

While it certainly isn't the solution to teaching your children geography, I think the maps are a fantastic, fun way for our girls learn.  And I thought you might want to know about them too.

So if you hear Addy talking about camels in Mauritania or Anna yell Bismark! if you mention North Dakota, don't be alarmed or too impressed. They're just children who happen to love maps and who can't be bothered with things like colors and numbers.  We aren't very conventional.


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