Monday, August 17, 2009

Deep Monday Thoughts

I got a little choked up this Monday morning. Addy offered to pray to start our day for the first time this morning. In her sweet voice she prayed "Thank you Lord for this day and bless this food and all things. We bless you and for all things and for... all things. In Jesus name, Amen." I have such confidence that our Sovereign God is beginning a good work in Addy's heart.

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Phil 1:6

While eating we had a conversation about heaven and this is a synopsis of how it went:

Addy was first concerned that we might not be able to get there now that we only have one car. I told her that we don't take ANYTHING (including our car) with us. Her response "I'm sure Jesus will have a car for us when we get there."

We then went on to talk about things
we might do there (Addy really wants to play the violin so she was excited about the prospect of singing, dancing and playing a violin in heaven.) Then she sweetly asked, "Can I wear my flip-flops?"

I don't want to leave you contemplating whether or not you can wear your flip-flops but I will leave you with a quote that encourages me more than anything in parenting:

And the most fundamental thing we can say about God is that he is sovereign. So that is where I begin. I begin at the bottom, the root, the foundation of all we cherish, all the grace, all the love, all the patience, all the faithfulness, all the forgiveness, all the security and hope and peace and joy. All these things rest on the deep and glorious sovereignty of God. If God is not sovereign, he is not God, and all our hope is dashed...By itself, the sovereignty of God is not the gospel. But it is the massive Rock under the gospel of Jesus Christ crucified and triumphant over death and sin and hell and the devil and unbelief and apostasy and backsliding and temptation and every weakness and sin that threatens to destroy the faith and the soul of his saints.

And therefore it is precious beyond words. But we must find words. Because we are his witnesses. And our children and the world are waiting for us to say these things. This is our calling: to know and believe and understand that God is God, that God is sovereign, that God is Savior - through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. ~ John Piper

Our children and the world are waiting...


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