Friday, August 14, 2009


Of late, Addy has been saying the funniest things. For those of you who know her well, this isn't a surprise but for our dear friends and family afar, you need to know that Addy is a profoundly articulate 2-year-old and we are frequently worried that we will not be able to keep up with her for very long. Here are a few for your enjoyment:

Addy was taking our steep stairs two at a time the other day and from upstairs we heard her exclaiming, "So, you guys think I'm a gymnast. Do, you guys think I'm a gymnast." It made us laugh so hard on multiple levels... since when does she use the phrase "you guys" and the perfectly pronounced "gymnast," too funny.

A few months ago we were at a restaurant with a fountain on the patio. On a trip to the restroom, Addy asked if we could go in the fountain. I replied no, and asked her what would happen if we went in the fountain thinking she would respond with something along the lines of "we'd get wet." Instead, she replied "we'd be naked." I took the opportunity to explain that it wouldn't be modest if we were all in the fountain naked. We returned to the patio and she saw a sign that read "No beverages past this point." She walked up to it and pointed as if she were reading every word aloud and said "Do not be naked."

This weekend we had dinner with friends and were rushing out the door right at bedtime. They were starting bedtime routines for their children and baths were drawn. With our arms full we were trying to get out the door when we realized Addy was missing. The laughter from the bathroom revealed that Addy had stripped down and was hopping into the tub. Oh well, what's another 5 minutes? A few minutes later we heard splashing and then whimpering. Racing to the bathroom we discovered three drenched children and Addy proclaiming "I don't want Evelyn to 'bath-tize' me." So funny. On the way home we got to have a great conversation about what baptism is (and that that was not what Evelyn was doing...that's called dunking) but I think it may be forever ingrained in Addy's head that she doesn't want to be 'bath-tized.'

There are more to come. I assure you. In the meantime, to appease the grandmother's, here are a few of our favorite photos from the lake.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, oh oh!!! Soooo cute. I love her comments... makes me want to pick her up right now and give her a big kiss and squeeze!


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