Sweet Anna,
Another birthday has not yet come and is already gone and in the blink of an eye, you turned three. I'm already planning for next year, what a Leap Day we will celebrate! You have changed so much since last year; it has been a remarkable year of growth for you. You talk, you sing, you climb, you dance, you aren't a baby anymore. We love your deep, hearty, soulful laugh, the way you are always brushing away your unruly blonde curls from your face, the way your inner opera singer belts out every tune, the way you throw your arms back and run in circles singing as loudly as you can, the way you wake up cuddly and rosy cheeked, the way you'll share your last chip or tear off a piece of your own sandwich to share with someone who dropped their own on the floor.
The year began with only a few words and now your endless chatter matches your older sister's. My favorite phrase of yours is "oh mama, it is beau-ful, kind and wise." You said it once about the dress you were wearing and now it pops up often in regard to all sorts of things.

I love the way you and Addy have become such friends. The two of you will disappear for hours and while you used to follow Addy into her own world, this year your imagination didn't just spark...it sparked, ignited and runs wild in places that we cannot go.
Since Charis' birth, you have stepped into your role as big sister with joy and we delight in watching you care for your baby sister. Anna, you can bring out a smile, squeak and laugh in Charis unlike anyone else. We pray that in time, the two of you will be great friends as you and Addy are now; that you two will welcome Charis with open arms into the world you've created as sisters.

Your first two years we joked about how you dance to the beat of different drum. We are now convinced of it. You are most unconventional. Most days I actually think you're color blind, but days like today where you nail every color perfectly, I am reminded that your independence is a bit like your imagination--running wild. When asked to fold your hands, you obey but you fold them behind your back. When asked to look at me in the eye, your eyes stay locked with mine but you turn your head the other way. For months I thought you didn't hear a thing in our morning Circle Time but not too long ago you started quoting Bible verse after Bible verse, one after another, and my heart soared knowing that you were actually listening because dear girl, you really gave me no inclination that you were ever listening. I've learned this past year that with you, I must be consistent, every. single. time. If given an inch, sweet Anna, you'll run a marathon.
But I hope you know that by God's grace we never, ever want to break that strong will of yours, just bend it toward Him. We pray that your determination, stubbornness and passion will turn into great conviction and that God would use it for His own glory. Just as we were reading this morning, Anna, we pray that your delight will be in the law of the Lord, that you will be like a tree, planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. He knit you perfectly, unconventionally, exactly the free-spirit you are and we are so blessed to be able to unwrap the gift you are each and every day.
Anna, it is a privilege to be your mama, and I thank God each day for you. I pray that even on the days I fall short, fail to savor each one of your giggles, forget to listen to every word you're trying to tell me, say "no" more than "yes," that you'll remember that I am humbled, honored and overjoyed to be your mother. You, my sweet and spicy little girl, are loved.
Happy un-birthday, Anna, I couldn't say it any better than you...
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